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責(zé) 編/郭 丹


The Heterogeneity Dilemma of Western Mobility Governance

in the Post-9.11 Era

Huang Gang

Abstract: After the 9.11 incident and the 2008 financial crisis, the Western governance model based on mobility induced by financial capital has changed significantly. The enemy represented by resurging extreme fundamentalism has infiltrated into the Western society. The external anti-terrorism war and isolation strategy in the name of national security not only contradicts the principle of free market under the influence of Christian political theology and racism, but also becomes the security premise of internal governance. Internal governance is based on the (neo-) liberal turn of the late 1970s. On the one hand, it induces consumption due to personal desires and stimulates mobility through financialization; on the other hand, it puts social mobility under the normative control dominated by debt relationship, as well as under more covert behavior and information monitoring. The governance model constructed on the basis of both the war machine and financial devices not only indulges heterogeneity in the mobility and consumption, but also falls into the predicament of populism in the symbiotic relationship with fascism.

Keywords: governance, mobility, heterogeneity, Neo-liberalism, populism

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